Other words for internal organs: vitals, entrails, insides.
The term for the Internal Organs is Viscer/o-
another name for a septagon is a heptagon
Another name is its correct name: an isosceles triangle.
bivalent is another name for tetrad
an O another name for a circle is an O and a spherical
The official name was the International Military Tribunal.
The international system of units!
Another name for World Bank as :IBRD i.e. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Another name for World Bank as :IBRD i.e. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
The International System of Units, which is abbreviated "SI" from the French term "le Système international d'unités"
One international organization that begins with the letter 'u' is United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Another organization is the United Nations.
Parma,is the International name for Pepeng .......
Some countries celebrate International Women's Day as their Mother's Day.
The Greenwich Meridian or the Prime Meridian is the imaginary line on maps from which all international times are calculated. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The time at every point on earth is calculated with respect to Greenwich Mean Time. This practice was originated for maritime navigation and meant that ships clocks needed to be extremely accurate and well maintained.
The 180th meridian is also known as the International Date Line. This imaginary line determines the change in calendar date when crossing it from east to west.