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You might be thinking of the word origin.

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Q: What is another name for zero reference or zero points in mathematics?
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What is another name for reference point?

An alternative term for reference point is landmark. Landmarks are physical or geographical features used as points of reference for navigation or orientation.

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What is another name for a cell reference?

Cell address

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Another name for potential difference is voltage.

What is another name for long term memory?

Reference Memory

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a reference book

Who give the name mathematics to mathematics?

i dont know who gave it the name

What is the birth name of Mathematics?

Mathematics's birth name is Ronald M. Bean.

Does asrin involve math?

Since Asrin is the name of a beach hotel in Turkey, Asrin itself probably does not involve mathematics but everyone working there does use mathematics in some way or another.

What is another name for oriental?

Another name for oriental is eastern, Asian, Asiatic of far-eastern. This is commonly used in reference to pearls or other types of jewels.

Another name for a coal deposit?

Vein and/or Peat (depending on reference, peat is the beginning form of coal).

What do you call a reference cell on another sheet?

There is no particular name in full, except we do talk about part of it being a sheet reference. So you have a sheet reference and a cell reference together. To do the reference you need the sheet name, followed by an exclamation mark, followed by the cell. The following refers to cell C3 on Sheet2: =Sheet2!C3