Not sure about precentages, but percentages are the numerators of ratios when the denominator is 100. Another way of thinking about it is that percentages represent parts per 100.
One way or another
162 = 256
32 = XXXII
four cows passed away
Not sure about precentages, but percentages are the numerators of ratios when the denominator is 100. Another way of thinking about it is that percentages represent parts per 100.
One way or another
X and o
That Would Be 300k
162 = 256
32 = XXXII
The answer depends on what the first way is. I would suggest -25
6/12 = 1/2
It could be: 21n2-4
xxx is a fraction and there is no way to represent it as a whole number.
four cows passed away
The word Modify can be used to represent the word Update.