One milliliter is one thousand of a liter. Or put in another way, 1000 milliliters equals one liter.
Another way to say 4.20 is "four twenty."
you've got is another way to say you have.
1 liter = 1.05668821 US Liq qt another way: 1 qt US Liq = 0.946352 L or another way
One milliliter is one thousand of a liter. Or put in another way, 1000 milliliters equals one liter.
et cetera is another way to say and so on
Another way to say 'events' is 'functions'
Another way to say horizontal is flat, even, or level.
Verbose is another way to say big words.
Another way to say poop is "feces" or "stool."
Another way to say DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid.
another way to say only is but what's more ,you will find or as well as.
Another way to say "back and forth" is "to and fro."
another way to say bone