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The use of the word "another" implies that at least one way has been specified. Unfortunately, I can see no such way(s).

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Q: What is another way to write three and one fourth?
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Related questions

How do you write three and one fourth?

3 1/4

How do you write three and one fourth in decimal form?

One and three fourths is 1.75 in decimal form.

What is three fourth - one fourth?

One half.

Is one fourth greater or less than three fourth?

One fourth is a quarter and three fourths is three quarters so tehrefore three fourths is bigger.

What is One fourth plus one fourth plus one fourth equal to?

three fourths

Is three twelfths equal to one fourth?

Yes. When three twelfths is simplified, the answer is one fourth.

Is three tewths equal to one fourth?

Not sure what a tewth is but three TENTHS is not one fourth.

What is 12 of one fourth As a percent?

One-fourth of 12 as a percent would be 25%. One-fourth of 12 is three, and three is 25% of 12.

Is one fourth larger than three eighths?

No, three eighths is larger than one fourth. One fourth is equal to two eighths, and is one eighth smaller than three eighths.

What is three and one halve minus two and one fourth?

the answer is one and one fourth

How do you write one and one fourth as a decimal?


How many cups in three and one-fourth gallons?

Three and one-fourth (3.25) gallons is 52 cups.