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Another name for code is cypher or cipher. One meaning of a cipher is to send a message using a private code to hide the message's meaning.

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Q: What is another word for code and is a way to transform text to conseal meaning?
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Related words are "encryption" and "cryptography".

This is another word for code and is a way to transform text in order to concel meaning?

In information security, another word for code or encoded text is ciphertext. Ciphertext is the end result of encoding of plain text.

What is a another word for code and is a way to transform text in order to conceal its meaning?

In cryptography, a cipher (or cypher) is an algorithm for performing encryption and decryption of text.

What is another way for code and is a way to transform text in order to conceal meaning?

You could use the word cypher...or encryption.... It's speller CIPHER.

Another word for code and is a way to transform text in order to conceal meaning?

Ciphertext is the other word for code or encoded text in information security. Ciphertext is the product when an algorithm is used to encode plain text.

Another word for code and is a way to transform a text in order to conceal meaning?

Ciphertext is the other word for code or encoded text in information security. Ciphertext is the product when an algorithm is used to encode plain text.

This is another word for code and is a way to transform text in order to conceal meaning?

Ciphertext is the other word for code or encoded text in information security. The process of converting ciphertext back to plain text is called decryption.

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What is Another word for code and is a way to transform text in order to conceal meaning?

There are only a couple different synonyms for the word code. These synonyms include cipher, key, hieroglyphics, and the word cryptogram.

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