it means that it can be added or subtracted or multiplied or divided with another number to get another specific number
SEGUENCE is not a word, however SEQUENCE is. Sequence means "the following of one thing after another; succession."
adjacent means next to, so i will say another word is NEXT TO
It means "change". Change from one form to another.It means "change". Change from one form to another.It means "change". Change from one form to another.It means "change". Change from one form to another.
It means 'it will do' .
The word is independence. It means freedom from the control of others.
it means: computer. another word for computer is computadora
a antonym is a word that means another word but dosn't have the same meaning.
Interested can also mean "engaged."
It means that it was intercepted like in football.
In context, the correct word is הדבר (ha-davar). Ha means 'the' and davar means 'word'. ha-milah (המילה) is another word which can mean word.
Dench is another word that means cool, similar to sick, which also means cool
Ulven means 'the Wolf'. It is also another word for 'varg' which also means wolf.
The word "miminked" is probably mimicked. That means the copy or ape an action of another.
The word "substitute" means to put in place of another, often referring to replacing someone or something with another option. The prefix "sub-" means under or as a replacement.
Another word for "mean" is for example "average" and means the number of something divided by an other number resulting in a / b and is describing the ratio of the two informations.
it means to move or place something from one area to another