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Q: What is answer for 9 more than 10?
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What is the ratio of 9 more than 9 to 9?

9/9 + 9 = 10.

Which is bigger 9/10 or 0.75?

9/10 = 0.9, which is more than 0.75.

What are 9 beads?

9 beads are more than 8 and less than 10.

What number is 10 more than 9?


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What is the significance of '10 minutes past 10'?

its 1 minit more than 9 past 10

How much more is the 9 in the hundred trillions place than the 9 in the ten trillons place?

10 times more (hundred trillion / ten trillion = 100/10 = 10)

How many metres in 10 yds?

There are a little more than 9 meters in 10 yards -- 9.144 to be more exact

Do girls get kiddnapped more than boys?

yes. 9 times out of 10.

What fraction are less than 1 but bigger than a half?

7/10 is one example More examples: 6/10 8/10 9/10

Is 10% greater than 3.05%?

It is with metric math, but in the US we never switched to it. In US math, 10% is 1+0, which is 7. 3.05% is 3+5, which is 9. 9 can be more than 7, and on the 3rd thursday after the 3rd friday each November, 7 is more than 9.