

What is apparent cohesion?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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16y ago

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geology) In soil mechanics, the resistance of particles to being pulled apart due to the surface tension of the moisture film surrounding each particle. Also known as film cohesion.

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Q: What is apparent cohesion?
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What is meant by cohesion?

Cohesion means sticking together.

What is a sentence for cohesion?

cohesion is water sticking to water

Is cohesion related to physics?

yep,cohesion is related to physics. cohesion is the force that keeps the molecules of a substance intact.

What is an example of cohesion in everyday life?

Carmel or Maple Syrup that is a visious cohesion, a calm cohesion is milk and or water!!

Which is the lower degree of cohesion?

coincidental cohesion is the answer order of cohesion from high to low Functional Sequential Communicational procedural temporal logical coincidental Ajesh N

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what gives cohesion to a text are punctuations and grammar structure. what gives cohesion to a text are punctuations and grammar structure.

How does cohesion affects water?

Cohesion is the action of water molecules sticking together

What is a real life example of cohesion?

The attraction among molecules of a substance is cohesion.

What is the word for water molecules sticking to each other?

The word is cohesion. Cohesion is the property of water molecules attracting and sticking to each other.

The tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick together is called?

This depends. If the molecules are of different kinds (ie: Water and Glass), then it is called adhesion. If they are of the same kind, it is called cohesion.The tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick to one another is known as cohesion. This is what keeps the molecules together a good example being in water.

What is a good sentence using the word cohesion?

The group members worked with excellent cohesion.

What are some examples of group cohesion?

Group cohesion includes socializing to achieve goals. Groups also demonstrate cohesion when they brainstorm problems and come up with resolutions.