It is approximate!It is approximate!It is approximate!It is approximate!
The approximate value of the item is $100.00.
approximate means about
The approximate value of 37 is 37.
The approximate value of something is an estimate.
Medieval Times
A lot of it(approximate 45-65%)
It is approximate!It is approximate!It is approximate!It is approximate!
The approximate length multiplied by the approximate width.
It is an approximate measure of elasticity.It is an approximate measure of elasticity.It is an approximate measure of elasticity.It is an approximate measure of elasticity.
Approximate location of what, exactly?
The approximate value of the item is $100.00.
The abbreviation of approximate is approx.
approximate means about
I was these approximate from making a 100%
8 million as of 2013.
The approximate value of 37 is 37.