It is not! The square root of 2, for example, is irrational but you can always locate it exactly by using the diagonal of a unit square.
Costs vary by geographic location.
It is approximate!It is approximate!It is approximate!It is approximate!
The approximate value of the item is $100.00.
Approximate location of what, exactly?
Your question is meaningless, there is either an absolute logation (x/y point) or an approximate location(near the house on the corner), there can not be an "approximate absolute" location.
It is in the approximate centre of Middle East.
2250 m
The approximate percentage by volume of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere at location 2 is around 21%.
i don't now
In the approximate centre of Middle East.
North American Continent.
Philadelphia's location is 39° 57' 04.89" N - 75° 09' 57.26" W
Mount Vesuvius is at this approximate location.
Approximate coordinates refer to a set of latitude and longitude values that provide a general location but may not pinpoint an exact position. These coordinates are often used for general reference or to protect sensitive information about a specific location.