

What is area of a sphere?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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13y ago

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The area of a sphere with radius 'R' is [ 4 pi R2 ].

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Q: What is area of a sphere?
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Formula for area of a sphere?

There is NO equation for the area of a sphere Assuming you mean surface area, the surface area of a sphere of radius r is 4πr^2.

Sphere surface area?

Area of a sphere = 4(pi)r2

What is the formula for the suface area of a sphere?

Surface area of a sphere = 4πr2

Formula for calculating the area of sphere?

The formula for calculating the surface area of a sphere is 4πr², where r is the radius of the sphere. This formula represents the area covered by the curved surface of the sphere.

Does a sphere have lateral area?

It is incorrect to say that sphere has lateral area. First sphere do not have sides like other geometric figure. In fact a line or plane can intersect the surface of a sphere in just one point. Sphere has no lateral side. It is enough to say surface area of sphere than lateral surface area of the sphere.

How do you get the formula of the area of the sphere?

Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2

How do you determine the surface area of a partial sphere?

Take the surface area of the sphere as of it was whole, and divide by the amount of the sphere that is missing.

Suppose the sphere below with radius r has a surface area equal to 45 units 2 Find the surface area of the sphere with twice the radius'?

The area of a sphere is given by the formula A = 4πr² A sphere with radius r has an area = 4πr² A sphere with radius 2r has an area = 4π(2r)² = 4π.4r² = 16πr² The ratio of the larger sphere to the smaller = 16πr² : 4πr² = 4 : 1 If the area of the smaller sphere is 45 units then the area of the larger sphere is 45 x 4 = 180 units.

What is the surface area of a sphere?

The formula for the surface area of a sphere is 4*pi*r2

Surface area of sphere?

Surface area of sphere is : A= 4*pie*r^2

What is the surface area of a sphere with radius 6?

The surface area of a sphere with radius 6 is: 452 square units.

How does a sphere shape differ from other shapes?

For a given area, the biggest volume you can enclose is a sphere. A sphere has the best volume-to-area ratio.