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It is all forms of engineering that deal with anything that flies into space, like telescopes, satellites, missiles,etc.

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Q: What is areospace engineering?
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Areospace engineer job discrption?

Engineering related to aircraft and space vehicles.

How much Money does a Aerospace Engineer Make a year?

I think they make more because areospace and and areospace scientist make a lot money so does and arespace engineer. I think they make more because areospace and and areospace scientist make a lot money so does and arespace engineer.

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What math does an areospace engineer use?

Math and physics are extremely important for an aerospace engineer. The first 3 levels of calculus are a basis. Any university engineering program will be heavily loaded with math and math related courses.

How much does an areospace engineer earn?

£6.91 per hours

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What are general responsibilties for areospace engineers?

To design, manufacture, and test aviation components

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It was invented by the Canadian company SPAR Areospace Ltd.

What kind of fields are there in engineering?

Civil Engineering, Maine Engineers, Areospace Engineers, Biomedical Engineers, Computer Hardware engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Material Engineers, Elecrical Engineers EXEPT Computer......ect.......Engineering courses are offered in different fields like:1) Civil2) Mechanical3) Industrial Production4) Computer Science5) Information Technology6) Electronics and Communications7) Electrical and Electronics8) AeronauticsMany more.. I request other to add if they know any.

What company makes aeroplanes?

The comapnies that make areoplanes are: 1.GKN areospace 2.Airbus 3.Boeing ...

What tools does an aerospace engineer use?

an areospace engineer needsyavakjwerhg\gjregjhq;ohfhewqukwrenchstools nglqkjenh;gqlknerkjgreqghkjlqkrqgthat's helps a lot....jerk