

What is associative algebra?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: What is associative algebra?
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What is alternative algebra?

Alternative algebra is a form of algebra such that every subalgebra generated by two elements is associative.

Why can associative property be useful?

The associative property in algebra is important for organization of numbers. Rearranging the numbers and parenthesis will not change values but instead make the equation more convenient.

Among the three laws commutative associative and distributive which one is most frequently used in algebra?


What are the different types of algebra?

Different types of Algebra are:Algebra over a field or more generally algebra over a ring.Many classes of algebras over a field or over a ring have a specific name: Associative algebraNon-associative algebraLie algebraHopf algebraC*-algebraSymmetric algebraExterior algebraTensor algebraIn measure theory, Sigma-algebraAlgebra over a setIn category theory F-algebra and F-coalgebraT-algebraIn logic, Relational algebra: a set of finitary relations that is closed under certain operators.Boolean algebra, a structure abstracting the computation with the truth values false and true. See also Boolean algebra (structure).Heyting algebra

What has the author A Adrian Albert written?

A. Adrian Albert has written: 'Fundamental concepts of higher algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'Studies in modern algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'College algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'An introduction to finite projective planes' 'Structure of algebras' -- subject(s): Algebraic fields, Associative algebras, Linear Algebras

What has the author Joachim Lambek written?

Joachim Lambek has written: 'Lectures on rings and modules' -- subject(s): Associative rings, Rings (Algebra), Homology theory, Modules (Algebra) 'Torsion theories, additive semantics, and rings of quotients' -- subject(s): Categories (Mathematics), Modules (Algebra), Rings (Algebra), Torsion theory (Algebra)

What is an algebra word that start with the letter a?

associative Abelian (named after Abel, and means commutative) Argand diagram (in complex numbers) Asymptote (asymptotic)

What is the associative property of math in algebra?

It involves 3 or more numbers. The parenthesis indicates the terms that are considered one unit.The groupings are within the parenthesis.

What are the properties of algebra?

There are quite a few, but here are some:The distributive x(y+z)=xy+xzThe associative x+y=y+xand many others!

What has the author P M Cohn written?

P. M. Cohn has written: 'Skew field construction' -- subject(s): Rings (Algebra) 'Algebra' -- subject(s): Abstract Algebra, Algebra, Algebra, Abstract 'Free ringsand their relations' -- subject(s): Associative rings 'Skew field constructions' -- subject(s): Division rings, Algebraic fields 'Algebra. Volume 2.' 'Algebraic numbers and algebraic functions' -- subject(s): Algebraic functions, Algebraic fields

What has the author G R Krause written?

G. R. Krause has written: 'Growth of algebras and Gelfand-Kirillov dimension' -- subject(s): Associative algebras, Dimension theory (Algebra), Lie algebras

Division of whole numbers is associative?

No it is not an associative property.