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Q: What is associative value of n?
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Multiply by using distributive property n 4n 9?

You need the associative and commutative properties, but not the distributive property. n*4n*9 =n*(4n*9) (associative) = n*(9*4n) (commutative) = n*(36n) (associative) = 36n*n commutative = 36*n^2

The property that shows that numbers can be regrouped when being added or multiplied without changing their value?

The associative property. It works separately for addition and for multiplication.

Which equation is an example of the associative property?

( 2 + 7 ) + 10 = ( 7 + 10 ) + 2 ( 3 * 9 ) * 4 = 3 * ( 9 * 4 ) The associative property means you can move the terms of the expression around without changing the value. Multiplication and addition are both associative.

What is 40 n x 10 m?

40nX10m Since multiplication is commutative and associative you can rearrange this to be 40x10xmxn and get 400mn.

Are the associative properties true for all integers?

No, Associative proporties are not true for all integers. The deffinition for integer (n) 1. one of the positive or negative numbers 1, 2, 3, act., or zero. Compare whole number.

Can you change the value of the product of three factors by changing the way the factors are grouped?

According to the Associative Property of Multiplication, no.

What is the definition of the mathematical phrase Associative Property?

Rearranging the parentheses in such an expression will not change its value, No mater what numbers are inside.

Is 7 plus 3 plus 4 equals n plus 4 a associative property?

No. If your trying to find n, then you subtract four from each side. n = 10 That would be subtraction property of equality.

Division of whole numbers is associative?

No it is not an associative property.

What is the synonym of associative property?

There is no synonym for the associative properties.

What are th 4 fundamental laws in mathematics?

The Law of 4 Laws of addition and multiplication Commutative laws of addition and multiplication. Associative laws of addition and multiplication. Distributive law of multiplication over addition. Commutative law of addition: m + n = n + m . A sum isn't changed at rearrangement of its addends. Commutative law of multiplication: m · n = n · m . A product isn't changed at rearrangement of its factors. Associative law of addition: ( m + n ) + k = m + ( n + k ) = m + n + k . A sum doesn't depend on grouping of its addends. Associative law of multiplication: ( m · n ) · k = m · ( n · k ) = m · n · k . A product doesn't depend on grouping of its factors. Distributive law of multiplication over addition: ( m + n ) · k = m · k + n · k . This law expands the rules of operations with brackets (see the previous section).

Is associative properties and associative properties of addition the same?

No because the associative property can be found in other operations as well.