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Q: What is average length of time someone stays a teacher?
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What is the average length of time someone stays at a retail job?

People stay in their jobs as long as they desire or until the company no longer needs them.

What is the average length of time a professional stays on one job in the US?

Two years

What is the average length of time someone stays at one job in the US?

Three to five years with jobs held between the ages of 18 and 38 having the shortest duration (source America's Dynamic workforce: 2006; U.S. Department of Labor)

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stays the same length

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two weeks

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What is a merit pay solution?

One merit pay solution is instead of paying based on student's performance, pay based on the teacher's performance. For example, at the end of the year, the students will take an anonymous survey and if the teacher is good or great, he/she gets a raise. If he/she is average or bad, their pay stays the same of decreases.

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well my friend, a guest is someone who stays there for a short period of time where a tenant is someone who stays for a prolonged period of time.

Is a wave length longer or shorter in water than in air?

the wave length stays the same length, it'll just diffract fron the air to the water and vice versa.

What does that mean if the guy you like stands next to you to ask a teacher question then the teacher leaves and he stays where he is and faces you and keeps looking at you as you talk to your friend?

He wants to get closer to you. He likes you.

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A sluggabed is someone who stays in bed too long.

Why does band stay the same length when the sarcomere shortens?

The band (I band) in the sarcomere stays the same length during muscle contraction because it is composed of thin actin filaments that overlap with the thick myosin filaments. As the sarcomere shortens, the actin and myosin filaments slide past each other, causing the band to appear to stay the same length.