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Q: What is base five?
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43 base five = 23 base 10 24 base five = 14 base 10 37 base 10 = 122 base 5

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The base word in "fifteen" is "five."

What is 23 in base five?

The question is ambiguous. Does it mean what is 23 (base 10) when converted to base 5 2310 = 435 or what, in base 10, is 23 in base 5 235 = 1310

What is the base to six to the fifth power?

The base is six. Five is the exponent. (65)

How do you represent the number 50 in base 5?

50 in base five is 20

Is 425 a legitimate base 5 numeral?

No, for any base, there is no digit that represents the base, you go to the next higher place. For example, in base-10, there are ten unique digits (0-9) Base 2, there are 2 unique digits: (0-1) So for base five there would be 5 unique digits (0 through 4). To represent a five, in base five would be 105

Write 23 in base five?


What are two similarities between the base five arithmetic and clock five arithmetic?

base five and clock arithmetic both use whole numbers. and they both use place value to calculate.

How many base pairs are in Klinefelter's syndrome?

there are five base pairs in klinefelter syndrome

What is the base ten numeral in base five?

There is no simple conversion. For example, 1610 = 315

What is the answer to 143 base five multiplied by 3 base five?

1435 = 4810 48*3 = 144 144 = 125 + 0 + 15 + 4 = 10345