For example, the decimal system we commonly use uses base ten. This means that each position (place-value) is worth ten times more than the position to the right of it. It also means that ten different digits are needed (0-9).
The base of the Chinese number system is ten.
base 5
Base 2
The base of our number system is 10. However there are mathematical methods of converting bases to 2 , 5 ...e.t.c.
The base of the Chinese number system is ten.
base 5
The number system commonly used by humans is base-ten.
The base number is 12
Base 2
A number system with a base of two is a binarysystem.
It is the number 16.
The Mayans used a similarly number system to the Babylonians but chose different numbers as the bases. Their number system had a base 5 within a base 20.
The base of our number system is 10. However there are mathematical methods of converting bases to 2 , 5 ...e.t.c.