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LIBOR stands for London InterBank Offered Rate and it is the average rate offered by major UK banks for lending money to other leading banks. The rates are for overnight loans, to periods up to one year, and are calculated for the following currencies:

U.S. dollar (USD)

Euro (EUR)

British pound sterling (GBP)

Japanese yen (JPY)

Swiss franc (CHF)

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Where can one find the five year LIBOR rate?

This link from the Wall Street Journal has the five year Libor swaps rate

What is 3 month libor?

Libor stands for London Interbank Offered Rate. The 3-month LIBOR is the rate that major banks would be charged to borrow money from other banks for a three month period.

What is the current 6 month LIBOR rate?

About 0.48

What is the Libor rate?

LIBOR is the interest rate that banks charge each other for one-month, three-month, six-month and one-year loans. LIBOR is an acronym for London InterBank Offered Rate. This rate is that which is charged by London banks, and is then published and used as the benchmark for banks rates all over the world.

How you can calculate LIBOR rate?

LIBOR stands for London interbank offered rate. Banks in London, similar to the United States, can exchange money between banks. LIBOR is the rate at which banks borrow funds from other banks in the London interbank market.LIBOR CalculationLIBOR is an average of actual rates used by banks. To calculate LIBOR, the British Banker's Association (BBA), surveys a variety of banks that reflect the general market. The BBA then surveys the different banks' interbank interest rate quotes. These quotes are made available to the public.The top and bottom quartile of the quotes are discarded, and the remaining interest rate quotes are averaged to form the daily LIBOR. LIBOR is calculated daily at 11:00 am London time or 6:00 am eastern time. Because LIBOR is an average of quotes and only calculated daily, the actual rates used between banks may fluctuate from the specific LIBOR rate. However, LIBOR provides a good approximation of the actual rates being used. This approximation is normally more accurate for short-term LIBOR rates and less accurate for long-term LIBOR rates.LIBOR RatesLIBOR rates are provided for periods of up to 12 months. The most common rates are the daily, weekly, one month, six month, and one year. LIBOR rates are also provided in ten currencies, including the US dollar, Japanese yen, Euro, and Pound Sterling. The Financial Times displays current LIBOR rates in multiple currencies.LIBOR ApplicationsLIBOR is an important rate that influences many financial instruments. In addition to providing an interbank lending rate and baseline for other lending rates, LIBOR also influences derivatives. Eurodollar futures and interest rate swaps are derivatives that are influenced significantly by LIBOR.

Related questions

Where to learn about the libor rate?

You can find libor rate history information on the libor stocks website. This website clearly explains in great detail about the libor rate history, and is greatly informative.

What does the Libor rate stand for?

The Libor rate is the Libor interest rate used by the banking and mortgage industries. This means that it has something to do with money and homes. It is also a percentage.

What is the work of libor?

Libor or LIBOR is the London Interbank Offered Rate. The way it works is that it is the average interest rate based on estimates by leading banks in London.

Where can the libor rate history be found?

Fed prime rate has libor rate history and all information involved with libor rates. This includes history, definition and rates. It shows the history from September 1989.

How is Libor Rate set by the government?

The London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, is the average interest rated estimated by banks in London. The government takes the submitted interest rates and averages them together to set the Libor Rate.

Where can one find the five year LIBOR rate?

This link from the Wall Street Journal has the five year Libor swaps rate

What can I use the LIBOR index for?

LIBOR index is the London Interbank Offered Rate. It is used as a reference of the interest rate at which the banks will lend money to each other. The LIBOR index changes daily.

Are the LIBOR rate charts useful in predicting interest rate fluctuations?

The LIBOR rate charts provide a daily interbank interest rate that banks base their internal rates on. Basically this LIBOR chart is used as a wholesale rate that the London bank charges to other retail banks.

Where can I find info on libor rate history?

You can find historical LIBOR rates on various financial news websites like Bloomberg, CNBC, or the Wall Street Journal. Additionally, the ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA) website also provides historical LIBOR rate data.

What is meant with libor rate history in finances?

Libor rate history in finances is a common interest rate index, which is used to adjust adjustable mortgagee rates. The importance of libor rate history when referring to finances is important to investors as well as business owners who are a part of the indexes.

What is 3 month libor?

Libor stands for London Interbank Offered Rate. The 3-month LIBOR is the rate that major banks would be charged to borrow money from other banks for a three month period.

what is the libor rate and what does it mean?

Libor is the London Interbank Offered Rate. This rate is used for short term loans and interest rates. It is also the rate that banks use to know who is worthy of getting credit and who is not.