Picture of ground zero
At Ground Zero was created in 1994.
3,000 more or less.
No significance:-)>
This question was submitted, and is being answered, on January 28. If today is zero, March 20 will be the 51st day.
Picture of ground zero
As of September 10th, 2010, Park51, the Islamic community center about two blocks from Ground Zero, is still planned to be built.
I personally don't know what the actual cartoon looks like but it probably deals with someone not agreeing with the mosque being built near ground zero. In my opinion people need to let go of ignorant bigotry and stop thinking all the Muslims are to blame.
By general agreement, it is conventional to think of ground, or earth, as being at zero volts.
It looks pretty much the same as it did 9 years ago: a great big gaping hole in the middle of Lower Manhattan. However, currently (July 2010) the frame of the new tower ("Freedom Tower") is being constructed. See the first Related Link below a Ground Zero webcam, showing what Ground Zero looks like today. The second Related link is the official website for Freedom Tower.
At Ground Zero was created in 1994.
In NYC, the workers are building the freedom tower
The duration of At Ground Zero is 1.87 hours.
Ground Zero Man was created in 1971.
Party at Ground Zero was created in 1985.