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Q: What is being done to solve the poaching problem?
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Is there anything being done to stop poaching in Africa?

not at all.

Are Bengal tiger's hunted?

Not legally anymore, but poaching is still being done.

Is anything being done to save the tigers?

yes,poaching laws are being tightened,habitat is being restored.

What is being done to save hippos in Africa?

There are strict anti-poaching rules being enacted in Africa to prevent poaching. The habitat in which they live in is also being protected to prevent encroaching for agricultural use.

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Probably the same as before, done logically in your own head, or done using computers or other helping methods. It might get easier to solve a problem because of new technologies. the first step to solve a problem is to see what the problem is.

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Gas emission laws are put into place to help prevent global warming.

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Stop cutting trees

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By show the number and add it when it done

What is being done to prevent the red pandas from extintion?

People are trying to stop poachers from poaching them, killing them, and hunting them down.

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how to get tasks completed that need to be done.