There are infinitely many real numbers between 6 and 7 and each of them can be represented by a decimal number. One, for example, is 6.00000000000000000000102
7 over 6 as a decimal is 1.166666.... (6 goes on forever). Hope that helps :)
6/7 is approximately equal to 0.857 in decimal form. To get this, the numerator is divided by the denominator.
It is 7/60 which as a decimal is 0.11'6' recurring '6'
7/6 = 1.1667
7 over 6 as a decimal is 1.166666.... (6 goes on forever). Hope that helps :)
The number 6. 7/32 can be written in decimal as 6.21875.
6/7 is approximately equal to 0.857 in decimal form. To get this, the numerator is divided by the denominator.
It is 7/60 which as a decimal is 0.11'6' recurring '6'
If you mean 6 and 7/8 then as a decimal it is 6.875
7/6 = 1.1667
Change 6 over 7 to a decimal, then move the decimal two spaces to the right.
If you mean 7/15 then as a decimal it is 0.4'6' recurring '6'
6 7/10 = 6.7
2 decimal numbers between 5 and 6 are 5.5 and 5.3