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Neither. They are of equivalent magnitude.

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What is the square root of -25 divided by suqare root of 9 minus square root of-1?

[ sqrt(-25) / sqrt(9) ] - [ sqrt(-1) ] = j5/3 - j1 = j 2/3

What is negative one ninth as a decimal?

First turn 1/9 into a decimal. Here are the steps:1/9 = .1then just put the negative sign because a negative divided my a positive equals a negative.the answer is: - .1I hope this helps

In a room there are N number of people if everyone shakes hands how many handshakes are made?

Depends what you mean, if you mean if everyone shakes hands just once then N-1 handshakes are made. If you mean if everyone shakes hands with everyone else then the answer is (N-1)+(N-2)+....+2+1 (we dont include N as they're not going to shake their own hand, obviously) written as Σn-1i=1 i, this is a arithmetic progression and so the total number of handshakes will be equal to (1+(n-1))(n-1)/2

Find the number of distinguishable permutations of the letters in the word hippopotamus?

First of all, find the total number of not-necessarily distinguishable permutations. There are 12 letters in hippopotamus, so use 12! (12 factorial), which is equal to 12 x 11x 10 x9 x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1. 12! = 479001600.Then count the of each letter and calculate how many permutations of each letter can be made. For example, here is 1 h, so there is 1 permutation of 1 h.H 1I 1P 60 2T 1A 1M 1U 1S 1Multiply these numbers together. 1 x1 x6 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 = 12Divide 12! by this number. 479001600 / 12 = 39,916,800 Distinguishable Permutations.

What are Christian attitudes towards women priests?

Answer 1I cannot answer for all Christian denominations, however, in Roman Catholicism, women are not allowed to become priests. Why? Christ had many disciples during his lifetime, including many women, but when it came time to choose his twelve apostles, he chose only men. We follow the teachings of Christ.Women were very involved in Christ's life and ministry, and they took on very active roles. Today, women take on very active roles in the Roman Catholic Church, as well, like the women disciples did then. There are women in the Catholic Church who are leaders in their own right.Yet, the title, "priest" is reserved for men only. Some find this appalling. I have found that those who do are more interested in "personal gains" rather than in the true spirit of the ministry. The priesthood was not established for the PRIESTS, to bring wealth or power or prestige to the men in the priesthood. It was established IN RELATION to others. Priests are ordained to SERVE their congregation. It's not about what THEY get out of being a priest, but rather what they GIVE! When they die and stand in judgment before Christ, they will not be asked what they had gained from being a priest, but what they BROUGHT to the PEOPLE - how did they serve God's people to help them become more holy? God doesn't care about the power or prestige they gain - in fact, if they enter the priesthood for that reason, then they will likely be unable to serve God's people.Most of those who think women priests=equality are thinking in terms of what the individual priest gains by entering the priesthood. Women "deserve" the same gains - power, prestige, etc - as men receive when they become priests.Each one of us is called to make OTHERS more holy. Women do this in their roles in the church, just as well as men priests do. As much as some want to deny this fact, men and women ARE different. Each has a unique set of gifts, to be used for the greater glory of God. To deny our gifts, or to try to say that our gifts are a carbon copy of gifts given to others is an insult to God. We must use OUR gifts, not try to pretend that we have some other gifts. The Church is made up of many parts - each has a different role to play, but we are all one body, the Church. And we are all equally important in the Church. What would the leg be, without a foot? What would the arm be, without a hand? And what would the head be, without a neck to turn it? Just because women cannot be what they think is the proverbial "head" of the Church, does not mean their role - as neck, as eyes, as ears, as hands, etc - is any less important.Answer 2The question asks for a Christian attitude. The above shows the attitude of just part of the Christian Church (eg the Roman Catholic and Orthodox view, and that of a small number of fundamentalist evangelicals). In actuality, a very large proportion of the Christian Church - even many rank-and-file Catholics dare I say (although the 'official' positi9n is very different!)- are in favour of women priests. And many large Church denominations already have either bishops, priests or ministers already. Examples are the Anglicn Church, Episcopalians, Methodists, URC, Dutch Reformed, Remonstrant, some Baptists and many others.These Churches interpret Scripture very differently, and look at the history of the early Church (before it was taken over by men) to see the sort of Church that Christ himself instituted. They see Church leaders who were women ((eg Lydia, Priscilla etc) and they look at scriptural evidence as well as evidence from the catacombs of the 2nd century and see frescos such as the 'Fractio Panis' where the Eucharist is being celebrated wiith the central president being very clearly a woman.It has nothing to do with modern 'equality' but is definitely to do with each of us being made in the image of God. Christians would never discriminate between a black or white person becoming a priest, because it's against the law. Nor would they discriminate between, say, an Englishman or a Frenchman, or a millionaire or pauper. Yet some feel free to discriminate between male and female. And to suggest that women do not have the 'gifts' necessary to become priests, simply because they are women, is an insult, and speaks more about the attitude of the suggester than the role of women.As Paul stated categorically in his letter to the Galatians, a church where these very issues were being discussed, and where bigotry and prejudice were creeping in:There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.[Gal 3:28]In the early 20th century, women died as a result of protests because they fought to have the vote. Women have fought in the miiddle 20th century to be paid the same rates as men for the work they do. They have fought for equality within jobs and promotion prospects. The truth is that there are those within socirty, and sadly within the Christian church too, who will hide behind their version of scripture and Church 'tradition' to maintain a mysoginistic attitude towards women in the guise of it being 'God's will'. Yet within the tradition of the early Church and within scripture properly interpreted, there is not a scrap of evidence even suggesting that priesthood should be reserved for men only. And the Church can only reflect the image of Christ, and serve the world with integrity, when those who still try to maintain male-dominated attitudes realise just how wrong they are.

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-18 1i 18 1i a0 1i,-18 1i -18 -4c -1i -4c -1i 1s -u 1s,-18 1i -18 1s a0 1s cg u,cg 1s a0 1s,cg k cg u,cg k a0 1i,cg 1s cg u,pu 2q li 1i li 18 pu 2g,li 1i li 2q li 34 cg 26 cg 1s li 2q pu 2q 130 2q 1da 2q 1da 18 13a 2q 1da 1i 148 2q,pu 2q pu 2g,130 2q 130 2g 1da u 1du u 1du 1i 1ei 1i 1ei u 1f6 u 1f6 1i 1fq u 1fq 1i,130 2g pu 2g,1da 18 130 2q,1da u 1da 18,1f6 1i 1ei 1i,1fq u 1ge u 1h2 1i,1ge u 1ge 1i 1fq 1i,14s 2q 1da 1s 15q 2q,16e 2q 1da 26 1su 26 1su 1s 25c 2g 27i 2g 2ba 2g 2dg 1i 2fm 0 2fm -a 2dg 1i 2dg 18 2ba 2g 2ba 26 294 2g 2ba 26 2dg 18 2fm 0 2hs 18 2hs 1i 2fm -a 2hs 18 2qu 18 34a 18 37o 1s,1da 26 17m 2q,1su 1s 1da 1s,25c 2g 1su 26,27i 2g 2ba 26 29e 2g,2ba 26 2dg 1i 2hs 1i 2fm 0,2hs 1i 2qu 1i 34a 1s 37o u 37o 1s,2qu 1i 34a 1i,2ba 26 28g 2g,2dg 18 2fm -a,2qu 18 34a 1s 2qu 1s 2hs 1i 2qu 1i 2hs 18,34a 1s 37o 18 34a 1i,37o 18 34a 1i,2qu 1i 32o 18,18k 2q 1da 2g,1h2 u 1hm u 1hm 1i 1ia u 1ia 1i 1ik 1i,1hm 1i 1h2 1i,1ia u 1iu u 1ji 1i,1iu u 1iu 1i 1ia 1i,1ji u 1k6 u,1kq u 1le u,1m2 u 1mm u 1su 1s,1m2 u 1m2 1i 1le 1i 1le u,1kq u 1kq 1i 1le 1i,1k6 1i 1k6 u,1ji u 1ji 1i,1h2 u 1h2 1i,1k6 1i 1ji 1i,1k6 1i 1kq u,27s 2g 2ba 26,29o 2g 2ba 26,2qu 18 2qu 1s 2hs 18,2qu 18 2hs 1i,34a 18 37o 1i 34a 1i,34a 18 34a 1s 34a 1i,34a 1s 37o 1i,37o u 39u 1s 34a 1s,39u 1s 3he 26 3he 2g 39u 26 39u 1s,3he 26 3im 2g 3jk 26 3jk 2g 3v6 2g 3v6 26 40e 1i 40o 1i 40o 1s 3v6 2g 412 26 41c 2g 412 2g 3v6 2g 40e 1i,3im 2g 3he 2g,34a 18 2qu 1s,34a 18 37o u 39u 0 39u 1s,37o u 34a 1s,39u 0 37o 1s,2hi 18 2dq 18,2dq 1i 2gu 18,2h8 1i 2e4 18,3jk 26 3pi 26 3v6 26 40o 1s,3jk 2g 3im 2g,412 26 3v6 2g,412 26 412 1s 40o 1s,41c 2g 4b2 2g 4b2 2q 41c 2q 41c 2g,4b2 2q 4b2 34 4h0 34 4h0 3e 4b2 3e 4b2 34,4h0 3e 4h0 3o 4h0 42 4ni 42 4ni 3o 4h0 3o,4h0 42 4b2 42 4b2 3e 41c 3e 41c 2q,4ni 42 4ni 4m 4h0 4m 4h0 42,4ni 3o 5tm v8 5tm vi 4ni 42,5tm v8 648 122 6b4 13a 6i0 13k 6oi 13k 6rc 13k 6rc 13u 6hm 13u 6hm 13k,6rc 13k 6s0 13a,6rc 13u 6v4 13u 6v4 13k 71k 13k 71k 13u 6v4 13u 6v4 148 6rc 148 6rc 13u 6s0 13k 6s0 13a,6hm 13u 6b4 13k 6b4 13a,6b4 13k 648 12c 648 122,648 12c 5tm vi,71k 13k 72s 130 760 130 760 13a 72s 13a 71k 13u,760 130 7ac 12c 7fm 10q 7kc TM 7nq pa 7pm mg 7ri mq 7pm mq 7pm mg,7ri mq 83m mq 83m n4 7ri n4 7ri mq,83m mq 85s ie 866 io 840 n4 83m n4,85s ie 85i gs 85s gs 866 d4 85s d4 85i gi 85i gs,85s gs 85i gi,6ve 13u 6v4 13u,72s 13a 72s 130,7pm mq 7o4 pa 7nq pa,7o4 pa 7km TM 7kc TM,7km TM 7g0 114 7fm 10q,7g0 114 7am 130 7ac 12c,7am 130 760 13a,85s gs 866 io,7v0 gi 7v0 gs 7i6 io 6rm p0 614 m6,7i6 io 6rm om 7i6 ie 7um g8 7v0 gi 7i6 io 7i6 ie 7v0 gi,6rm om 614 mq 4po 0 4p4 k,614 mq 4pe a 614 n4 614 m6,614 n4 4p4 k,6rm p0 614 mg 6rm om 614 m6,6rm p0 6rm om,6rm p0 7i6 ie,6rm p0 614 n4 6rm om,614 mq 6rm p0,4po 0 -18 -AA -18 -4c,-18 -AA -18 -b8 -1s -b8 -1i -4c,-18 -b8 4pe a,7v0 g8 7v0 gi,7v0 g8 7v0 fk 7um fa 816 cq 816 d4 7v0 fk 7um g8,816 d4 85s d4 85s cq 816 cq##T 6rc 130,T 4o6 3e,G 7uc ie b8,G 7vk HQ 9r,G 7vu gs 8e,G 808 fu 90,G 80s f0 9j,G 81g e2 9g,T h6 -k,S 39k -a,T 3e0 -1i,G 824 mg mg,S 824 li,T 1d0 0,T 2gk -1i,T 40e u,S k -6s,G k -9m gs,T k -84,O 6uq 13u

What is lxxxiii in roman numerals?

LXXXIII is already in roman numerals. It's numerical value would be:L = 50X = 10X = 10X = 10I = 1I = 1I = 1Total: 83

You want to know the meaning of RAM?

Answer #1i can answer it my seflAnswer # 2For others who may be curious:In computer terminology, RAM is an acronym for Random Access Memory.For the related discussion question, CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.