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1 Liter is 1000 ML, so 1L is bigger

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Q: What is bigger 340 ML or 1 L?
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What is bigger ml or l and by how much?

1 mL = 0,001 L; the ratio L/mL is 1 000.

What is bigger a L or a ML?

~Improved~ A L is bigger because a mL is pretty much the size of a small object.. . 1 L:1,000 mL.

Is ml bigger than a l?

No, l milliliter is not bigger than 1 liter. It takes 1000 ml to equal L.

Is a L bigger than a milliliter?

Yes a L=1000ml (a L is 1000 bigger than a ml!)

Which is bigger 1 mL of water or 50 L of water?

50 L of water is bigger than 1 mL of water. 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters, so 50 L is equivalent to 50,000 mL, making it significantly larger than 1 mL.

4 Which measure is equal to 340 L 1 point 340000 milliliter 3400000 milliliter 0.034 milliliter 3.4 milliliter?

340 L = 340000 mL

Is 4.1 leters bigger than 41000 miloleters?

1000 ml = 1 L. So, 41000 ml = 41 L. 4.1 L < 41 L. Thus, no 4.1 L is not bigger than 41000 ml.

Is 2 liters bigger then or less then 2 milliliters?

bigger 1 liter = 1000 ml 1 ml = 0.001 L

What is bigger l or ml?

Litre is bigger than Mililetre

What ls bigger 10 l or 1000ml?

If you are comparing liters and milliliters, you'll find that liters are bigger than milliliters. There are 1000 mL in 1 L. There are 10,000 mL in 10 L, so it is bigger than 1000 mL.

What is bigger two liters or thousand millilrtres?

1 L = 1000 ml, so 2 L = 2000 ml. Bigger? 2 L of iron is *smaller* than 1 L of oxygen - a *lot* smaller.

What is bigger a milliliter or a l?

A litre (L) is 1000 times larger than a millilitre (mL). 1 L = 1000 mL