8/9 or 0.888
Convert to the same mathematical form , in this case decimals.
8/9 = 0.88888.....
Which bigger.
Shift the decimal point three places to the right in both numbers.
0.888 = 888.0
and 0.888888 ....= 888.888...
888.8888.... > 888.0
Hence it follows that 8/9 > 0.888
well, since 4 over 12 is one third, 8 over 12 is two thirds, and 3 over 9 is one third, also, so 6 over 9 is also two thirds, ANSWER: 8/12 = 6/9
8/9= 0.888 7/8 = 0.875 8/9 is bigger
9 over 17 is bigger.
No because 9/12 is bigger
8 over 9.
9 over 10 is bigger.
7/9 is bigger.
4/9 is bigger than 3/8 or 0.444 is bigger than 0.375
Obviously,8/9------------almost 1!
they're are actually equal
7/8 is the same as 63/72. 8/9 is the same as 64/72. This means 8/9 is bigger.
5/9 is greater than 8/15
3/8 = 9/24... 5/6 = 20/24... therefore 5/6 is the larger fraction.