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Q: What is bigger molluces or crustations?
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What are molluces?

mollucs are animal with slimy bodies and shells

What are crustations?

Crustaceans are a group of arthropods that live in aquatic environments and have a hard exoskeleton, jointed appendages, and two pairs of antennae. Examples of crustaceans include crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and barnacles. They play important roles in marine ecosystems as both predator and prey.

What phylum are pillbugs in?

crustations, like crabs

What species does the king crab belong to?

Crustations :)

What specificaly do seahorse eat?

Seahorse eat crustations. Crustations are tiny creatures that look very much like the cray fish.

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What kinds of arthopods are there?

Arachnids, Crustations, Millipedes, Centipedes, Insects

Name all marine molluscs beginning with C?


What do the basking sharks eat?

they usually eat plankton,crustations and different types of fish.

When does seahorses eat?

Seahorses often eat zooplankton, phytoplankton, zooanxethlle, and microscopic crustations.


they eat crustations like crabs and lobsters and kiddys and mayo chicken

What do botos eat?

Botos eat piranhas, fish, catfish, river turtles, crustations, and crabs.