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Q: What is bigger than a pebble but smaller than a rock?
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What is smaller than a rock?

Many things can be smaller than a rock, such as a pebble, a grain of sand, or even a speck of dust.

Are most meteoroids smaller than pebbles or bigger than boulders?

Meteoroids are smaller than asteroids; most are smaller than the size of a pebble.

What is tapan ranjan?

Tapan Rajan is a piece of rock and it is smaller than the size of a pebble and a meteorite.

Are atoms smaller than a small pebble?

Much smaller.

How big can gravel get?

Well, one system says if a grain of sand is bigger than 2mm, it's a pebble, and a pebble bigger than 100 mm is a cobble, and a cobble bigger than 256 mm is a boulder, so you could use "pebble" for "gravel" I reckon.

Is little rock smaller than a boulder?

Figuring you mean the landmark, no little rock is bigger

What is smaller a pebble or gravel?

A pebble is smaller than gravel. Pebbles are generally between 2-64 millimeters in size, while gravel typically ranges from 2 to 75 millimeters.

What is smaller than a stone Britain weight?

A pebble or a grain of sand is smaller than a stone in terms of weight.

Why would boulder weather slowly while small rocks weather quickly?

Boulders have a larger surface area to volume ratio, which means they have more exposed surface area for weathering processes to occur. Small rocks have less surface area in comparison to their volume, so weathering processes can act more quickly on them. Additionally, boulders are typically made of harder, more resistant rock types, while small rocks may be made of softer, more easily weathered materials.

Is 1.0 bigger or smaller than 0.1?

1.0 is bigger than 0.1.

Is 4 is smaller or bigger?

Both. It is smaller than 4.1 and bigger than 3.9

What percent of the planets are bigger than Earth?

There are 8 planets Mercury (smaller than Earth) Venus (smaller than Earth) Earth Mars (smaller than Earth) Jupiter (bigger than Earth) Saturn (bigger than Earth) Uranus (bigger than Earth) Neptune (bigger than Earth) so 3 smaller & 4 bigger than Earth 37.5% smaller than Earth 50% bigger than Earth