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Q: What is bilateral symmetric atrophy?
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Is a sponge bilateral symmetric or radial symmetric?

A sponge is neither bilateral or radial symmetric. It doesn't have any symmetry.

What is another name for symmetric balance that shows a mirror image of one side on another?

Another name for symmetric balance that shows a mirror image of one side on another is bilateral symmetry.

Are arthropoda bilateral?

Yes. Most phyla evidence bilateral symmetry including flatworms, earthworms, many molluscs, and chordates including fish and mammals. Arthropoda, including insects, are bilaterally symmetric.

What is symmetric bilateral?

Symmetrical bilateral transfer is the learning or relearning of skills for an individual. Symmetrical bilateral transfer occurs when an individual has traumatic brain injuries or autism spectrum disorders.

Does crayfish have bilateral symmetry or radial symmetry?

Some mollusks have bilateral symmetry. Mollusks include gastropods such as snails, bivalves such as oysters, and cephalopods such as squid. Some bivalves have bilateral symmetry.

Do amphibians have symmetry?

Amphibians have bilateral symmetry. (from the top-view, imagine a line from the middle of the head to the rear. both sides would be symmetric)

What is bilateral atrophy?

Bilateral atrophy refers to the shrinkage or degeneration of tissue on both sides of a structure, usually in the context of the brain or muscles. This condition can result in a loss of function or ability related to the affected areas. It can be caused by various medical conditions, such as neurodegenerative diseases or prolonged inactivity.

What type of symmetry is oysters?

Yes. Crabs and other crustaceans have bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry means something has symmetry across one plane (known as the sagittal plane, and directly down the centre of their body), which means one side of their body approximately mirrors the other side.

What does symmetric atrophy of the temporal lobes mean?

Symmetric atrophy of the temporal lobes refers to a condition in which both sides of the temporal lobes of the brain have experienced a similar degree of shrinkage or loss of brain tissue. This can be seen on imaging studies like MRI and may indicate a neurological disorder or disease affecting both sides of the brain equally. Symptoms can vary depending on the underlying cause but may include memory loss, language problems, and changes in behavior.

What do symmetric mean?

Bilateral symmetry means you can divide the shape into two halves, and the halves would be congruent. Radial symmetry means all the parts that are connected to a common point are congruent.

When two halves of a figure match the figure is said to have what type of symmetry?

Bilateral symmetry. Think of bi- meaning "two", and lateral meaning "pertaining to the side." Therefore, it is symmetric for two sides.

How are the graphs of inverse functions symmetric?

symmetric about the y-axis symmetric about the x-axis symmetric about the line y=x symmetric about the line y+x=0