a billion and 1
A billion and one.
a billion and one
It is an incredibly large number that gives the impression of someone just trying to type a large number by hitting every number on the keyboard. It's somewhere on the order of 10 billion billion billion billion billion (by my count).
a billion has nine zeros.
billion and one
a billion and 1
A billion and one.
a billion and one
It is an incredibly large number that gives the impression of someone just trying to type a large number by hitting every number on the keyboard. It's somewhere on the order of 10 billion billion billion billion billion (by my count).
The number 7 billion can be written in a number of ways, including:Seven billion.7B7,000,000,0007 x 109
USA:1,000,000,0001,000,000,000 (number), one thousand billion, 109THE UK:1,000,000,000,000 (number), one million billion, 1012Depends where you are, the USA billion has nine zeroes, the UK billion has twelve zeroes.hoped this helped
1,000,000,000 is the standard/number form of one billion.
As a number it is: 6,000,000,000 = 6 billion
a billion has nine zeros.
One billion and one. (1000000001)
It is a number in the range 13.62 billion to 13.88 billion.