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credit always involves parties: the debtor who obtains the money, goods or services in exchange of his promise to pay at a future date

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Dale Kshlerin

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Q: What is bipartite?
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Is tree a bipartite graph?

Yes. A graph is bipartite if it contains no odd cycles. Since a tree contains no cycles at all, it is bipartite.

Is every tree a bipartite graph?

No, not every tree is a bipartite graph. A tree is a bipartite graph if and only if it is a path graph with an even number of nodes.

How can the bipartite graph algorithm be implemented using depth-first search (DFS)?

The bipartite graph algorithm can be implemented using depth-first search (DFS) by assigning colors to each vertex as it is visited. If a vertex is visited and its neighbor has the same color, then the graph is not bipartite. If all vertices can be visited without any conflicts in colors, then the graph is bipartite.

What is the automorphism group of a complete bipartite graph?

The automorphism group of a complete bipartite graph K_n,n is (S_n x S_n) semidirect Z_2.

Meaning of bipartite?

"Bipartite" refers to a graph or network that can be divided into two sets of vertices such that all edges connect vertices from one set to the other, with no edges within the same set. A bipartite graph is also known as a bigraph.

What was a bipartite government?

A government consisting of two parts

What are bipartite and tripartite bodies in dispute settlement?

Bipartite bodies in a dispute settlement is an agreement between two parties. Tripartitie bodies is an agreement between three parties involved in a settlement.

What is a bipartition?

A bipartition is something which is bipartite or an instance of sharing or partitioning in two.

What are the different types of carrier-linked prodrug?

The different types of carrier-linked prodrugs are bipartite, tripartite, and mutual. Bipartite structures consist of a carrier linked to a prodrug. Tripartite structues have a carrier linked to a drug via a linker. Mutual structures have two drugs linked to each other.

What is a bigraph?

A bigraph is another term for a bipartite graph - in mathematics, a graph whose vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets.

What is the significance of a Hamiltonian cycle in a bipartite graph and how does it impact the overall structure and connectivity of the graph?

A Hamiltonian cycle in a bipartite graph is a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once and ends at the starting vertex. It is significant because it provides a way to traverse the entire graph efficiently. Having a Hamiltonian cycle in a bipartite graph ensures that the graph is well-connected and has a strong structure, as it indicates that there is a path that visits every vertex without repeating any. This enhances the overall connectivity and accessibility of the graph, making it easier to analyze and navigate.

What is tripartite committee?

A tripartite is a way of forming a government. In the negociations after the elections the different parties sit together and decide how they are going to compose their government. When they choose to make a tripartite, there are three parties who will sit in the government the rest wil be in the opposition. Likewise to a tripartite is a bipartite, in a bipartite there are two parties in the government, the rest will be opposition. rwwwwgtfv t4b