The question wants you to convert 3 miles into feet (blank = some number) = 3 miles. 3mi times 5,280ft per mile = 15,840ft
3 miles (5280 feet/1 mile) = 15,840 feet =========
3 ft is equal to 1 yard
One possible answer: Blank 1 = 3150 Blank 2 = 10 Blank 3 = (2/315) = approx 0.006349
22.1133444 approx
7 times blank = 2 times blank
3 miles (5280 feet/1 mile) = 15,840 feet =========
3 ft is equal to 1 yard
48 inches equals 4 feet
4 yards equals 12 feet
12 equals 3x(4) equals 6x(2) equals (12)x1
One possible answer: Blank 1 = 3150 Blank 2 = 10 Blank 3 = (2/315) = approx 0.006349
3 times blank equals 18,000 = 54000
Blank = 3
22.1133444 approx
- 3.5 plus 10.5 equals 7 is one possible answer.
Well, darling, if we're talking about math here, "blank 9 times blank equals blank 5" doesn't make any sense. You need to provide some actual numbers if you want a real answer. So, why don't you try again with some proper digits, and maybe then we can have a little math party.