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Q: What is body parts are arranged in a circle?
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Animal with body parts arranged in a circle around a central point are?

Radial Symetry :)

Symmetry in which body parts are arranged in a circle around a central point?

radial symmetry

What type of symmetry in which body parts are arranged in a circle around a central point?

Radial Symmetry .

How are the parts of an organism arranged?

The parts of an organism are arranged in specific structures and systems that work together to support the organism's functions. These structures can be simple or complex, depending on the complexity of the organism. The arrangement of parts is crucial for the organism to carry out its life processes efficiently.

What is having body parts arranged in a circle around a center point called?

A radial body plan. Starfish and jellies are example of organisms with a radial morphology.

What are body parts arranged in a circle?

Fingers, toes, and ribs can be arranged in a circle.

What animals have body parts arranged around a central point?

Certain animals have their body parts arranged around a central point. A starfish is a good example of this, which is known as radial symmetry.

Animals that have their body parts arranged around a central point are said to be?

Radially symmetrical. This means that the animal's body can be divided into equal halves in multiple planes passing through the central point. Examples include starfish and jellyfish.

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