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Boolean is a 'true or false' logic in programming - if you define a function as a Boolean function, the only inputs it can have are true or false, and the output will vary dependant on the input

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Q: What is boolean in programming?
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P. L. Hammer has written: 'Pseudo-Boolean programming and applications' -- subject(s): Algebra, Boolean, Boolean Algebra, Congresses, Programming (Mathematics)

What has the author A W Colijn written?

A. W. Colijn has written: 'Pseudo-Boolean programming'

Uses of Boolean Algebra?

Boolean Algebra is a type of math in which the values of the variables are true and false. The algebra is the basis for digital logic, computer programming and mathematical logic.

Which data type stores only one of two values?

In Java, such a data type is called boolean. In other programming languages it may be known by different names, including variations of "boolean" such as "bool", and "logical".

Are computers based on boolean algebra?

Very deep in the computer, yes. The 3rd+ level programming languages, no.

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Fred Glover has written: 'Equivalence of Boolean constrained transportation problems to transportation problems' -- subject(s): Algebra, Boolean, Boolean Algebra, Mathematical models, Transportation 'Optimal weighted ancestry relationships' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Pottery dating, Algorithms, Cemeteries 'Manipulating the branch and bound tree' -- subject(s): Branch and bound algorithms, Integer programming 'Surrogate constraint duality in mathematical programming' -- subject(s): Programming (Mathematics) 'Play Showtime' 'Neglected heuristics in integer programming / by Fred Glover' -- subject(s): Integer programming

Where does the term boolean origination?

The term originated from George Boole, who was an English mathematician, philosopher, and logician. In terms of computer programming, Boolean means that that data type can only be true or false, using terms such as AND, OR, and NOT.

Does HTML allow you to declare integer real string and boolean variables?

HTML is not a programming language and as such does not allow you to declare variables.

What are the importance of boolean algebra?

Boolean algebra is an area of algebra in which variables are replaced with 1 or 0 to indicate true or false. This form of algebra became the basis for binary computer programming used in digital electronic development.

What is boolean in C Sharp?

A boolean is a variable type that can only be two different values True or False same as it is in most programming languages but in C# booleans are stated as: public bool var = True; or public bool var = False;

What is a Boolean condition?

A boolean is a value which can either be true or false. A boolean condition is mathematical equation where the result is a boolean (either true or false). Often used in programming.A boolean condition consists of some varibles, and boolean operations that can be carried out using them. Here are some boolean operations. The sybols are those used in Java and C++.> Greater Than. Returns true when the number before > is greater than the number after< Less Than. The opposite of Greater than== Equals. If the values are equal returns trueOR Returns true if the boolean before and/or the boolean after is true&& AND Returns true only if the boolean before AND after the && are true! NOT Inverts/NOT's a boolean. True becomes false. False becomes trueMost programming languages have booleans as a type of variable and if statements as control flow.An if statement uses a boolean to decide whether or not something is run eg.if(someBoolean){// If some boolean is true this peice of code will be run}A an example of a boolean condition could use a less than or greater than symbolif( someNumber > 9000 ) {print( "The number... it's.... OVER 9000!!" );}

What is Boolean means in Visual BASIC?

Boolean refers to values that can only be True or False. If you are setting up a boolean variable, only True or False can be stored in it. This is a standard element of programming languages for situations involving options for True/False, Yes/No etc. When you see something in a program like "Do you want to continue (Yes/No)?", the reply given is stored as a boolean value. They can be referred to as logical values. The term boolean comes from the mathematician George Boole, after whom they are named.