It is a measuring tape which is calibrated in metric units.
With a "ruler" or "tape measure" calibrated in imperial units
Do you mean calibrated? The motorist calibrated the amount of fuel he would use if he travelled 130km at 90km per hour.
Yes, a calibrated ocular micrometer can be used to measure the diameter or length of a field or object. Essentially, that is all that it is used for.
Fill the beaker with water, then pour it into a calibrated measuring jug
1/2 cc
It is a measuring tape which is calibrated in metric units.
Insulin is measured in "units".
It is a measuring tape which is calibrated in metric units.
With a "ruler" or "tape measure" calibrated in imperial units
The volume is measured in L or submultiples.
A manometer measures pressure. The units depend on the type of manometer and how it's calibrated. Units include psi, barr, Torr, atm, pascals, and kilopascals.
Check your imaging units on the machine. If you recently replaced the imaging units, they might not have been calibrated correctly. You may have to replace the units and then make sure to run the gradation adjustment on the machine.
It is a set of metal wrights calibrated to measure fixed numbers of units of mass. They will be used to weight things in a mass balance.
You weigh an object to determine its mass. Weight is directly proportional to mass, and in fact most balances are calibrated in mass units such as kilograms.
Spring scales measure force, typically in units of newtons or pounds.
It is calibrated by puttin it in some ice.