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Q: What is called the data in a scatter plot that appear to go downhill from left to right?
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What is the data in a scatter plot that appear to go downhill from left to right?


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The compounds that appear on the right side of the arrow in a chemical equation are called products. These are the substances that are formed as a result of the chemical reaction taking place.

If you had a truck repossessed in Oregon and it took over 6 months for the lender to contact you what are your rights?

1. You have the right to appear at the court when they summons you. This will be your chance to convince the judge that you cant pay the money you owe the lender. IF you miss that, its all downhill for you. Good Luck

When parking downhill you should turn your wheels?

turn wheels to curb

What would a graph that has a negative slope show?

It would have a downhill slope from left to right

What is observed in a scatter-plot that has an inverse relationship between x and y?

A right hyperbola shape.

Which way should you turn your wheels where there is not a curb?

Turn your wheels to the right, downhill or uphill, if there is no curb.

What way should your right front wheel be facing when you are parked on a downhill curb?

In a downhill area, you should always park with the front wheels toward the curb. The theory is that if the brakes malfunction, the car will move towards the curb and stop, instead of going downhill, gathering speed and causing an accident.

What does a positive and a negative gradient look like?

A positive gradient goes uphill from left to right A negative gradient goes downhill from left to right