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Q: What is called when there several instances of the same data?
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A relationship between the instances of a single entity type is called a ........................?

A relationship between instances of a single entity type is called a self-relationship or recursive relationship. This type of relationship occurs when an entity is related to other instances of the same entity type within the same entity set.

What is data anomaly?

Data Anomaly are the logical or structural in database.For example, if we have a multiple instances of same information in a table, it may happen that the data is not consistent after operations like update. This may result in the loss od data integrity.

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It can be called a Fixed-Length file.

Did Mexico's early farmers grow all of their crops together in the same plots?

Yes. In some instances, several species of plants were seeded on the same plot (polyculture). In other instances, to prevent soil exhaustion, crop rotation was employed, using different types of crops sequentially throughout the seasons.

How can Heteroscedasticity be detected and removed?

There are various tests for heteroscedasticity. For bi-variate data the easiest is simply plotting the data as a scatter graph. If the vertical spread of the data points is broadly the same along its range then the data are homoscedastic and if not then there is evidence of heteroscedasticity. Heteroscedasticity may be removed using data transformations. The appropriate transformation will depend on the data and there is no general transformation that will work in all instances.

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If the same data is already in the floppy disk or any other disk, and you are again copying the same data, then it is called the overwriting ..

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Competition, sometimes called environmental competition.

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Mixed Farming

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