

What is china's crime statistics?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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12y ago

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Statistics on Chinese crime can be found here under the related link.

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What do crime and crime statistics have in common?

Crime is committed, and the numbers that measure it are collected, analyzed and become statistics.

What is the Ranking of us cities crime statistics?

See: and search the stie for crime statistics

Who compiles crime statistics?

Well i think its police and the FBI that collect the crime statistics (sorry if that is not your question)

How does someone find more about crime statistics?

Crime statistics are supposed to be and usually are reported by local and federal law enforcement agencies. Many times the statistics are reported in the newspaper.

Can you have some crime statistics?

Your question is confusing, "Can you have some crime statistics?" I don't really understand the question, but if I assume you're asking where you can get statistics on crimes in the United States, one of the places is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Also, if you type into your browser window "crime statistics" there are other websites where you can go to do your research.

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Lorraine Glanz has written: 'An analysis of South African crime statistics' -- subject(s): Criminal statistics 'Crime, the courts, and corrections' -- subject(s): Criminal statistics

What is major crime reporting?

Crime reporting is the reporting of crimes that happen in a particular area of a neighborhood, city, state or country. Crime reporting can include things like crime statistics.

Why are many crime statistics expressed as rates?

Crime statistics are often expressed as crimes per 100,000 people. This allows for easy comparison of crime between two cities or states with different populations.

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Please someone answer this

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What have the higher crime rate adults or youths?

Statistics show that crime in general, and specifically violent crime, is committed more by younger criminals.

Which is the most peace ful country of the world?

Crime wise, Norway is read by statistics as the country with the least crime.