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Q: What is cinchona officinalis 3x HPUS?
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What is the scientific name for the cinchona?

The scientific name for cinchona is Cinchona officinalis or Cinchona pubescens.

What medicine is made from the cinchona tree?

Quinine is a medicine made from the bark of the cinchona tree. It is commonly used to treat malaria and has anti-malarial properties.

What is the common name for Quinine?

It s a natural substance from bark. Also great for severe cramp in tablet form known as quinnine bisulphate

What is seretine?

Seretin is a homeopathic remedy that is sold over the counter to relieve mild depression. Some natural ingredients in this remedy are semecarpus anacardium juice, avena sativa flowering top, black cohosh, and cinchona officinalis bark.

Can cinchona officinalis 6x be taken with high blood pressure medicine?

A homoeopathic remedy like Cinchona can easily be taken together with more mainstream medication. In fact homoeopathic students are taught to treat alongside the already prescribed allopathic medication, taking both. The homoeopathic practitioner will advise the patient that medication like high blood pressure drugs should only be cut back in consultation with the specialist who has prescribed it. Obviously this phasing out starts when the homoeopathic remedy like Cinchona has started the healing process.

Which tree's roots and bark are used to make Quinine?

Quinine comes from the bark of the cinchona tree of South America.

Where can I get cinchona bark?

You can get cinchona bark from us. We Prasanna Exim, exporting cinchona bark. Your can send your order to us at:

What does 2x hpus mean?

HPUS is: The Homœopathic Pharmacopœia of the United States 2X means 1:100 dilution. In other words 1%. Normally homeopathic dilutions are much more. 12X or 600X.

How do cinchona trees adapt to their environment?

how do cinchona trees adopt to its environment

What medicine is made from cinchona tree?

Quinine is made from cinchona tree

When was Morinda officinalis created?

Morinda officinalis was created in 1958.

What is Hindi name of cinchona bark?

Hindi name of cinchona bark is 'Qunain'.