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Q: What is colder than 5 F below zero?
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Which is colder -5 degrees or -50 degrees below zero?


Which is colder 5 degrees or 3 degrees below zero?

3 degrees below zero is colder, as it is below freezing temperature (0 degrees).

What is colder -5 degrees centigrade or -16 degrees centigade.?

-16 degrees Celsius is colder than -5 degrees Celsius. The temperature scale is linear, so the larger the negative number, the colder the temperature. In this case, -16 is farther from zero on the negative side of the scale compared to -5, making it colder.

Which is colder -3 or -5?

-5 is colder than -3. The lower the temperature, the colder it is.

Which is colder -5 or -6?

-6 is colder than -5

What is a neagitive integers?

Negative integers are integers that are less than zero. If the temperature is 17 degrees and it gets colder 22 degrees colder then it is minus 5 degrees. minus five is a negative integer.

What is bigger -5 degrees F or -10 degrees F?

Not sure what you mean by "bigger" since we are talking about temperatures. -10 degrees is colder, as it means ten degrees below zero.

What is colder 5 degrees Celsius or 20 degrees Celsius?

5 degrees Celsius is colder than 20 degrees Celsius.

What is colder -5 degrees Celsius or -1 degrees Celsius?

-5 degrees Celsius is colder than -1 degrees Celsius. The lower the temperature in Celsius, the colder it is.

Which is colder 15 degrees Celsius or 5 degrees Celsius?

5 degrees Celsius is colder than 15 degrees Celsius.

What type of oil should you use for a 1600cc vw?

Depending on your temperature, 10-30w. If the temp regularly gets below zero (F), then switch to 5-30w during colder months.

What temperature is five degrees below zero on the Celsius scale?