A common denominator is what you get when two different numbers (when you divide or multiply them) have a number in common. This always requires 2 numbers to have something to compare.
27 has the following denominators (by itself):
1, 3 (3*9=27), 9 (3*9=27)
So it has a common denominator with at least any other number which is divisible by 1 (which would then be the "lowest common denominator"), 3 and 9.
945 is the lowest common denominator. 3 is the greatest common factor.
9 or 27
Find the multiples of 27 and 15:Multiples of 27:..27 x 5 = 135Multiples of 15:..15 x 9 = 135Thus, 135 is the same common denominator for 27 and 15.
135 is the lowest common denominator of numbers 27 and 45.
Since there are no common prime factors of 7 and 27, you must multiply them together to get the common denominator. 27 times 7 is 189.
The greatest common denominator of any set of denominators is infinite.
945 is the lowest common denominator. 3 is the greatest common factor.
It is: 216
It is 54
9 or 27