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Q: What is compare subtraction?
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How are addition and subtraction stories different?

A subtraction story could be talking about items being taken away, and asking how many are left. Another subtraction story could compare two different amounts and ask 'how many more' one is than the other. An addition story would talk about a starting amount, then a certain amount are added, and ask how many are there now.

The answer we get after subtraction is called?

The answer we get after subtraction is called

Who invented subtraction?

who invented subtraction?

Algorithm for subtraction of two numbers?

read the value A,b store the result of subtraction of a,b in continer subtraction display subtraction

The answer to subtraction is?

you calll the answer to a subtraction problem a difference

What is the name of the subtraction sign?

the subtraction sign

Which scale can compare two objects?

The ratio scale is typically used to compare two objects because it allows for meaningful mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This scale provides a true zero point, where the absence of a characteristic is shown as a value of zero.

What operations is the inverse operation of subtraction?

Inverse means opposite. What undoes subtraction? Addition undoes subtraction!

What is the answer of a subtraction question?

The answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference

What do you call the answer to subtraction problem?

The answer in a subtraction problem is difference.

What are are otherterms in subtraction?

Subtraction is getting away things