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Complementary relationships is a form of communication within a family. Communication relfelcts inequality. One person is in a one-up position while the other is in a one-down. (Assertive - submissive, Aggressive-Passive, Energetic - Lazy). Each reinforces the other's position. Symmetrical relationships exist when the communication is based on equality; the behavior of one person mirrors the other. These relationships can become competitive.

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Q: What is complementary and symmetrical behaviour in family therapy?
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A symmetrical family is a family that share male and female roles. For example a woman will go to work just like the man will, a man will take care of this kids and so will the woman.

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Family therapy can help relatives of the mentally retarded develop coping skills.

Is Family therapy effective?

Family therapy is only effective if everyone involved wants help and wants to make the situation better. If everyone is willing, therapy can be very helpful.

How effective is family therapy?

Family therapy is only effective if everyone involved wants help and wants to make the situation better. If everyone is willing, therapy can be very helpful.

How is family therapy used?

Family Therapy is a form of talk therapy that focuses on the improvement of relationships among family members. It can also help treat specific mental health or behavioral conditions, such as substance use disorder or oppositional defiant disorder. Family therapy can involve any combination of family members. Benefits of Family Therapy Personal conflicts within couples or families; Behavioural problems in children; Substance abuse or addiction; Mental health problems like depression and anxiety.