Composit manure refers to the organic matter that has been recycled and decomposed as soil amendment and fertilizer.
One step of making composit manure is digging a hole and heaping the waste matter in the hole.
manure = Dung manure = Dünger manure = Mist
what is the anytonm for manure
Horse manure is a good fertilizer, however, their are other animal manure that is better, such as cow manure. Horse manure works fine too though.but the best to use is elephant manure.
Manure (horses manure)
What kind of manure? What are you going to do with it?
sterilizing a manure
A manure spreader does exactly what its name implies it does, it spreads manure. It is most useful in larger fields, where spreading manure by hand is not feasible.
Buffalo manure is not a fossil fuel because are non- renewable and buffalo manure is renewable. How ever Buffalo Manure can be used as a fuel.
All animals poop or disperse some type of waste. This waste can be made into manure or used as manure. So, yes all animals can make manure. do
donkey manure does make a good ferilizer, but not as good as horse manure