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Q: What is conditional decision?
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How would you use the word conditional in a sentence?

Sometimes You must do everything to achieve success. Even though it is Conditional.

What 3 words are required in EVERY 'if' decision statement in bash?

if [ conditional ] then . . . fi

How to make decision making statements in c plus plus?

Decision making statements make use of conditional expressions. In C++ there are three possibilities: if/else, switch/case and the ternary operator (?:).

Conditional statement inside a conditional loop?

int i = 100; while(i > 0) { // Conditional loop --i; if((i % 2) == 0) { // Conditional statement inside a conditional loop System.out.println(i + " is even."); } }

What is the syntax for using the conditional construct in computer programming to create a decision-making statement?

In computer programming, the syntax for using the conditional construct to create a decision-making statement typically involves the use of keywords such as "if," "else if," and "else." These keywords are followed by a condition that evaluates to either true or false, and the code block within the curly braces is executed based on the result of the condition.

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What are conditional connectives? Explain use of conditional connectives with an example

What can a conditional statement have?

A conditional statement uses the words if... Then

What does conditional verbs mean?

A conditional verb is something like:Should have done thisWould have done thatThat's what I have heard.I think there are no conditional verbs but there are conditional sentences. egIf it rains we will get wet.The conditional clause begins with if and the main clause begins with we.The event in the main clause depends on the condition in the conditional clause.

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The conditional statement in foxpro is DID YOU GET IT

What is the term to apply formatting that appears only when the value in a cell meets conditions that you specify?

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What is a conjunction of a conditional statement and its converse?

A biconditional is the conjunction of a conditional statement and its converse.

Also known as the if then statement?

Another name for that is the conditional statement.