

What is conventional rainfall?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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12y ago

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Convectional rainfall is when the sun heats the ground and hot air rises, the hot air then cools down and forms clouds then it rains

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Q: What is conventional rainfall?
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What two types of rainfall occurs in the Caribbean?

covectinal and relief rainfall

What does one mean by conventional rain?

Conventional rain refers to regular rainfall that is not influenced or modified by any artificial means such as cloud seeding or other weather modification techniques. It is the natural process of precipitation that occurs when water vapor condenses in the atmosphere and falls to the ground as rain.

How conventional rainfall help the tropical region in getting rainfall every afternoon?

conventional rain is a type of rain formed when the atmospheric air near the surface of the earth is heated and rises up. In the equatorial areas, there is not only high angle of the sun but also different water bodies from which water evaporates .The warm air rises up with the increase of temperature between 3 to 4 pm . As altitude increases temperature decreases , as a result the warm air is forced to cool at higher altitude. Once the warm air is cooled , it can no more carry any moisture . That's why we see conventional rains in the afternoon in the equatorial regions!! do I confuse you?

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How much rain does Washington dc get?

Average Annual Rainfall is 43.1 inches. January Rainfall: 3.57 February Rainfall: 2.84 March Rainfall: 3.92 April Rainfall: 3.26 May Rainfall: 4.29 June Rainfall: 3.63 July Rainfall: 4.21 August Rainfall: 3.9 September Rainfall: 4.08 October Rainfall: 3.43 November Rainfall: 3.32 December Rainfall: 3.25

Why convectional rainfall occurs in early afternoon whereas relief rainfall can occur at any time of the day?

Conventional rainfall occurs because the ground is heated in early it occurs in early afternoon.Relief rainfall occur only when the South East Trade Wind blows with full force and the South East Trade Wind can blows at any time of the day

What is an annual rainfall?

Annual rainfall is the amount of rainfall per year

What is annual rainfall?

Annual rainfall is the amount of rainfall per year

What is conventional technology?

This is the technology that is conventional

What are the types of rainfall in Ghana?

relief rainfall, cyclonic rainfall

Is hydro power conventional or non conventional energy?

It is conventional because water is natural