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Q: What is coordinate plane or coordinate system?
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Related questions

How is a coordinate plane similar to a coordinate system?

The coordinate system can be in any number of dimensions whereas the coordinate plane is a 2-dimensional concept.

What is the difference between coordinate system and coordinate plane?

The coordinate system can be in any number of dimensions whereas the coordinate plane is a 2-dimensional concept.

Why do the planets in your solar system have the same x-coordinate in a 3d coordinate system?

All the planets stay approximately in one plane - the plane of the ecliptic. So if you have the x-coordinate normal to that plane their x-coordinates will stay small. It is more usual to have the z-coordinate normal to the plane.

What does a Cartesian Coordinate System do?

A Cartesian coordinate system is a coordinate system that specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates. These coordinate system can be used to provide geometric interpretations for many branches of mathematics.

What is a coordinate plane that has no breaks in it?

A coordinate plane! If it has one or more breaks in it is not a coordinate plane but only a part of one.

One of the quarters of the plane of the cartesian coordinate system?

A quadrant.

Another name for the Cartesian coordinate system is?

plane xy

What french mathematician first published the idea of associating pairs of numbers with points in a plane to form a coordinate plane?

René Descartes If you recall this system is called the Cartesian Coordinate system.

What is another name for a cartesian coordinate system?

It is the Cartesian plane or grid system whereas coordinates of x and y are plotted on it.

Another name for the rectangular coordinate system?

* Cartesian co-ordinate system * The complex plane is called Argand Plane

Is a coordinate graph the same as a coordinate plane?

no, coordinate graph is a graph made on a coordinate plane i.e xy-plane

Another name for the Cartesian coordinate system is the xy-plane?
