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Q: What is counter current multiplication?
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What is Renal counter current multiplication?

Renal countercurrent multiplication is a process in the kidney that involves the loop of Henle, where a concentration gradient is created by reabsorbing water and ions. This process allows the kidney to produce concentrated urine and regulate the body's water and electrolyte balance effectively.

What mean by va in current transformer?

Its simply multiplication of voltage applied and current.

Comparison of Counter-current flow and parallel flow?

Counter-current flow is more efficient then parallel flow. Shahzad, MUET Chemical Engineer

Does the equatorial counter current cool the galapagos islands?

No, its cooled by the Humboldt Current.

What are the advantages of co-current flow?

A Counter-current flow has more advantages as comapared to a co-current flow.

Write a PLSQL code to print a multiplication table where the input is given by the user in Oracle?

Declare num number(10):=# a number(10); counter number:=1; begin for i in 1..10 LOOP a:=num*counter; DBMs_output.put_line(a); Counter:=counter+1; end loop; end;

Is the equatorial counter current cold or warm?


What is an example of a counter current system in the body?

The loop of henle (kidney)

Device that produces an electric current when radiation is present?

Geiger Counter

How does a liquid liquid chromatography work?

The principle is found in "Counter Current Extraction"

Who invented the current halogen counter?

sidney h liebson, an american physicist

The branch of the south equatorial current which flows along the eastern side of the West-Indies 1 Antilles Current 2 Californian Current 3 Counter Current 4 Okhotsk Current?

Antilles Current