It is used for fractions.
Let's say you have a fraction 1/2 = 2/4. When you multiply the top (numerator) of the left fraction by the bottom (denominator) of the right fraction it equals the bottom of the left fraction times the top of the right fraction. This is cross multiplying: In this case 1x 4 = 2 x 2.
It is useful if you do not know one of the terms and you need to solve it; for example let's say
3/4 = 9/x
Cross multiply to find 3x = 36 and x = 12
lattice math is a silly way to do multiplication. I recommend you not to do it.
The product is the "sum" of a multiplication math problem.
Cross multiplication IS the correct term!
power then multiplication
An asterisk is used for multiplication in math
Cross reduction does exist. We use it when we want to make large multiplication fractions simpler =)
lattice math is a silly way to do multiplication. I recommend you not to do it.
The product is the "sum" of a multiplication math problem.
Cross multiplication IS the correct term!
it is math
A product is the answer to a multiplication problem in math.
power then multiplication
The product in a math is the answer to a multiplication problem.
The math term for multiplication is PRODUCT.
An asterisk is used for multiplication in math
the product of a multiplication sentence is the answer to a multiplication sentence.