A Customary Unit or non-SI unit is a measurement unit that is not part of the metric system. Customary units are mainly units of the Imperial system but they could be localised customary units - such as Gaj (for area) is South Asia.
The United States customary system (also called American system or, sometimes, "English units") is the most commonly used system of measurement in the United States.
The customary system of weights and measures is now customary in a grand total of 3 countries: Liberia, Myanmar, and the US of A.
the english system of measure
United States customary units are a system of measurements commonly used in the United States.
customary,communal and contractual or tenancy land tenure system
The land tenure system in Abia State is primarily based on the customary land tenure system, where land is largely owned and managed by traditional rulers and communities. The system is largely communal, with land being held by clans or families and passed down through generations. However, the state government has also introduced some formal land administration systems to regulate land transactions and ownership.
Communal land tenure system is a land tenure were the whole commununity has the right to own and use a piece of land
H. W. J. Sonius has written: 'Introduction to aspects of customary land law in Africa, as compared with some Indonesian aspects' -- subject(s): Land tenure (Adat law), Law and legislation, Land tenure 'Introduction to aspects of customary land law in Africa, as compared with some Indonesia aspects' -- subject(s): Land tenure (Adat law), Land tenure (Primitive law)
Some countries in Africa used the customary legal system. They usually use a combination of a customary system and a civil code.
A system of mesurment
John W. Bruce has written: 'Family land tenure and agricultural development in St. Lucia' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Economic aspects, Economic aspects of Agriculture, Family, Farms, Inheritance and succession, Land reform, Land tenure 'A bibliographical guide to the customary law of the Sudan' -- subject(s): Customary law, Bibliography 'Land tenure issues in project design and strategies for agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa' -- subject(s): Agricultural development projects, Land tenure, Planning 'Country Profiles of Land Tenure' 'Agroforestry' -- subject(s): Agroforestry, Forests and forestry 'Agricultural land tenure in Zambia' -- subject(s): Land tenure, Law and legislation, Farm tenancy
The freezing point of water in the US customary system is 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
A Customary Unit or non-SI unit is a measurement unit that is not part of the metric system. Customary units are mainly units of the Imperial system but they could be localised customary units - such as Gaj (for area) is South Asia.
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