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350 bce

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Q: What is date of birth of Euclid the great mathematician?
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What was Euclid's birth date?

The date, place and circumstances of both his birth and death are unknown.

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What was the birthplace of Euclid?

The date, place and circumstances of both his birth and death are unknown.

When did Euclid die?

Euclid died about 265 BC. The exact date and circumstances of Euclid's death are unknown.

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What was the date Euclid was born?

Around 330 BC. It is not known with any certainty.

What sounds better date of birth or birth date?

Personaly, i'd say date of birth. Both ways are correct, though

When did Euclid live?

Euclid lived for about 60 years between around 325 and 265 BC. He died in Alexandra Egypt but, no one really knows when he was born (when the exact date he was born.)

Who is the mathematician that discovered geometry?

The origins of geometry are so unclear that no single individual can be credited with the "discovery" of this branch of mathematics. That said, we can cite the names of a number of early investigators who made major contributions, beginning with Euclid.Certainly it is broadly accepted that Euclid, the Greek mathematician, got the ball rolling with his Elements, which was penned circa 300 BC. This cornerstone volume gathered ideas and provided structure to what was then geometry. But manuscripts and writings dealing with geometry have been discovered, and date further back than Euclid. It could be argued that geometric ideas arose at the time formal writing developed. Use the link below to get an overview of the history of geometry.